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  • Canceled: Brrr Ride [VA]

Canceled: Brrr Ride [VA]

  • 11/09/2023
  • 11/12/2023
  • Natural Bridge KOA | 214 Killdeer Ln, Natural Bridge, VA 24578


Brrr Ride



As I hit my 22nd year of being in COG I have seen many things, met many great folks and attended many great "Brrr" rides.

Alas I am canceling this years Brrr.

As we Horsemen tend to (cough cough) age, more and more of us are struck with family illness and situations that require our time and focus.

I've seen that hit many of us and family always comes before motorcycling.

Will "reschedule" 2023 Brrr to the 2024 "Un-Brrr"! Likely April 22-26, 2024.
Stay tuned to COG calendar and COG Forum to hear more.


The Brrr ride celebrates the drawing to a close of the riding season (for most of us) and has long been a staple of the COG NE calendar --- especially for the “COG Camping Crazies.” 

Highlights include cabins at the KOA, “Roger / Clyde” style campfire (if it doesn’t move then burn it), great riding, walking down to the Pink Cadillac for communal dinners, (maybe not so much the hike back up the hill to the KOA), gathering for breakfast, great rising and beautiful fall colors as well as freezing our tookas off heading to Sunday breakfast at High's Restaurant in Monterey. But most especially seeing old friends and meeting new COG'ers.

Semi-organized rides are planned for Friday and Saturday. Alas no Sunday run up to Blue Grass; the Ruritan's have cancelled the annual “Buckwheat Pancake Breakfast Benefit” – so we expect to freeze our fingers riding to breakfast at High's Restaurant in Monterey on Sunday. Stay tuned to the Forum for news!

We will meet for informal group breakfast at 8am Friday and Saturday and informal group dinner at 6pm at The Pink Cadillac Diner located less than half a mile from the campground.

Camping (and Lodging)

We will camp at the Natural Bridge KOA located at 214 Killdeer Lane , Natural Bridge, VA 24578 (cabins available - recommend early reservations http://www.koakampgrounds.com/where/va/46144.htm). 

Expect folks in the KOA “Classic Camping Cabins” area (generally the “early risers”).  As we have been for the last 13 or so years, the “COG Horseman” will be across the foot bridge in the “Newer Cabin” area – specifically cabin 63.  A communal COG Campfire will be blazing between Cabins 62 & 63 – so grab cabins 62 and 64 while you can!  The KOA has also been busy constructing new cabins – some even have refrigerators.

For those that don’t want to camp... there are nearby flea-bag hotels, suspect they will have rooms available!

There are no registration fees, but we are asking everyone to register online so we have an idea of how many people to expect.  Registration closes at 11:59 pm on 11/07/2023. 

Contact the event organizer Dusty Schilling (aka DustyStrom) at cog@centaurfed.com.  

Please check the COG Forums for additional announcements and conversations: Forums > Ride Time > Northeast Events or follow this Link.
