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  • Curves to the Coast Loop [OR]

Curves to the Coast Loop [OR]

  • 07/13/2024
  • 8:00 AM (PDT)
  • 07/14/2024
  • (PDT)
  • Middleton Motors | 5789 NE Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124



Register today and check back in a few weeks to download GPS files. 

Curves to the Coast Loop

Explore scenic Oregon backroads, rural highways, with some twisty technical sections sprinkled in! This is a different route than the last two years, but a similar feel. If you're willing to ride a few hundred feet on gravel, there is even a short walk to a beautiful waterfall on our way back into town.

Meet in the parking lot of Middleton Motors at ~8:00, kickstands up at 8:30. Lunch in Astoria will be around 12:30, and the ride should end about 5:00.

This is an all-day ride (~250 miles, 8 hours) through scenic rural highways on our way to the northern part of the Oregon coast and back. We'll plan on a group lunch at the halfway point, and will be ending at a restaurant as well. Each half of the ride is about 125 miles, so plan to start the trip with a full tank, and there is a chance to refuel at the lunch stop.

There are planned stops every 60 minutes or so for photo opportunities and rest breaks. We'll split into groups of 3-5 riders as needed.

I will provide GPS files as well as a detailed list of stops and intersections.

There are several hotels available in the area for those coming from outside the area. Please reach out to Aaron if you need ideas on places to stay.

Route Info

Google Maps route - Morning https://maps.app.goo.gl/jxALXRifetUk8omm6

After a half dozen miles on the freeway, we'll peel off onto rural highways, working our way north and west to find our way to the Columbia River, where I hope to be able to take the Cathlamet Ferry across the river - the ferry is currently closed for maintenance but it should be open by our ride, if not we'll use an alternate route.

We'll do a short loop on the Washington side of the river, then cross the longest continual truss bridge in North America, the Astoria-Megler Bridge, and find lunch in Astoria.

Google Maps route - after lunch https://maps.app.goo.gl/HEW9gPbCSknzMLSs8

After refueling ourselves and our bikes, we'll head southeast on twisty Hwy 202, stopping at Fishhawk Falls for a rest break and a short walk to the waterfall for those interested.

We'll continue on through some fun farmland roads to meet back up with Hwy 26, then make our way through Banks en route to an optional loop around Hagg Lake, then backroads to Helvetia Tavern to wrap up our trip with a fantastic burger or salad.

Optional Sunday ride 7/14/2024
We will be offering a re-run of our route from the prior two years for those who want to spend an extra day. Meet up location and time will be the same, Black Bear Diner, KSU @ 8:30. Additional info can be found on last year's event page, https://concours.org/event-5332684

Ride Route (Downloadable GPX file) 

As with any route provided, we recommend following the route on a map first.  This way you will have a better idea of where you are going and have more fun doing it.  Downloading and using any route file indicates you acknowledge that you agree to do so with the understanding that the Concours Owners Group (COG) cannot assume responsibility for your personal safety when using these routes.  If you choose to use these routes you do so voluntarily, based on your own assessment of your abilities, route conditions, and facilities, and therefore assume all risks.  You release and hold harmless COG, its officers, agents and members from any and all injury and/or loss to your person or property that may result from using these routes or participation in this event.  These routes are provided a samples and without any guarantee of accuracy, road quality, or safety. 

  • (Check back mid-May, early-June for GPS files)


There are no registration fees, but we're asking everyone to register online so we have an idea of how many people to expect.  Online registration will close at 11:59 pm on Thursday, July 11.


Contact Aaron Fastenow at fastenova@gmail.com with any questions.  

For additional information about this event, and/or to join in the conversation on the forum:  Forums > Ride Time > Northwest Events (or follow this Link)